Wednesday, June 9, 2010

bug, you're two!

dear bug,

you are two today! you are amazing!

we had a birthday party for you today. friends over & the weather was perfect. sunny & hot. you & your friends played in the pool, on the swingset & with the hose. you screamed & laughed & slid face-first into the pool. it was amazing and a perfect way to turn two! we are so lucky to have such amazing friends around!

you are such a big girl & such a baby. toddlers are masters of foot-in-both-worlds and you are no exception. you can put your shoes on by yourself (okay, just the froggy boots), you can speak in four & five word sentences, you can unwrap a baybel cheese & fill up your own water cup. you can open my iphone & play games or record yourself speaking. you can play lady gaga & you know where to find the arthur books in the library. you can crack an egg and grind pepper. you can go upstairs by yourself. you sleep in a big girl bed now and you can click the top buckle in your carseat.

but you're still a sweet little baby! you need help falling asleep and you need your cicci. sometimes i forget how little you really are and you throw a tantrum to remind me.

in case you want to hear stories about yourself at two years old, i'll tell you some.

you love to 'saute' & you aren't afraid of anything, except birds and sometimes our cleaning lady. you give your stuffed animals kisses & cuddles & rides in the stroller. you love edamame, cheese, pretzels and strawberries. you have ever-changing tastes, but right now your favorite animal at the zoo is the bear. i think it's because, one time, the polar bear jumped into the water and we saw it! it was amazing! we'll keep checking for jumping bears!

you love the park and you love to climb. higher and higher until i can't take it anymore and either make you come down or climb up with you! you like to swing in the big girl swings on your 'tum-tum' and dig in the sand.

you ask to go in the 'big car' when you want to go out. you are a wonderful shopper & have strong opinions on everything!

you color and name the colors, but every color is either blue or bluepink! you count "one, two, four, seven, eight, nine, ten!" & i want to record it, but i never seem to have the camera out at the right time.

you are so sweet and amazing. i hope you never forget that. you are amazing even when you are sad, when it takes you two hours to go to bed (ahem tonight ahem) & when you yell because i am reading the wrong book. you are smart & funny & skilled.

bug, i love you!

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